EU i skolan – vårens aktiviteter
maj 15, 2024
Thoughts on art as a commodity – An E-ART article
maj 21, 2024The election to the European Parliament is approaching rapidly! In light of the upcoming election, we at Europe Direct Stockholm have taken the opportunity to increase our school visits during this spring.
We have conducted several school visits where we engaged with high school classes to both hold lectures on the EU and the European elections, and to organise interactive workshops. We visited Kungstensgymnasiet twice and Vallentuna Gymnasium once. The primary goal of these visits was to inform first-time voters about the European elections this year, to encourage them to vote, and to increase their knowledge about the EU. During our visit to Vallentuna, the local newspaper Vallentuna Nya wrote an article about our visit. You can read the article here. In addition to our school visits during this spring, we also conducted an online lecture for Viktor Rydberg Gymnasium.
The EU offers a lot of information, resources, and materials for teachers and students who want to learn more about the EU. A great resource is the Learning Corner, which provides plenty of educational material for students of all ages. It includes everything from simplified explanations of how an EU law is made, to interactive games where the students can learn more about the EU’s free movement policies. We also recommend visiting Upplev Europa at Kulturhuset in Stockholm if you want to take your EU knowledge to the next level. There, you can try out the role of an EU-parliamentarian through a role-playing game and learn how an EU law is created. If you are interested in reading more about it, you can find more information here.
Europe Direct Stockholm will, of course, continue visiting schools in the autumn. If you are a teacher, you are very welcome to contact us to book a visit. Our visits are free of charge and we can adapt the visit according to your interests. Whether it’s a general introduction to the EU, a specific area of EU policies or a workshop, we are happy to assist. If you would like to book a visit, contact us at europadirekt@intercult.se.
The picture shows Karin Johansson and Johan Westerberg from Europa Direkt Stockholm and Johan Wullt, Head of Communication at the Swedish Representation of the European Commission, as well as Elly Andersson and Tintin Bokesten, trainees at the Swedish Representation of the European Commission.
Photo: Victoria Sid, Vallentuna Nya