Statutes of INTERCULT PRODUCTIONS Cooperative Society 2018-03-08
§ 1 Name of the Association
The name of the association is Intercult Productions ekonomisk förening
§ 2 Seat of the Association
Intercult Productions is an economic association. The association and its board are based in the municipality of Stockholm.
§ 3 Purpose of the Association
Intercult Productions ekonomisk förening, hereafter abbreviated to the association, is an independent production group and a resource center for intercultural projects. We act as a hub for local, regional and international cultural exchange and are active in national and European cultural policy. The aim of the association is, based mainly on the members' own but also the association's management's initiatives, to be a platform for the realization of their project ideas and in this way and through this activity to provide them with economic benefit and skills development.
§ 4 The association's operating profit
Profits generated shall be reinvested in the business.
§ 5 Financial year of the Association
The Association's financial year coincides with the calendar year, i.e., January 1 to December 31.
§ 6 General Meeting of the Association
The Annual General Meeting of the Association is the highest decision-making body and takes place every year and within six months of the end of each financial year, no later than June 30. The notice shall be issued not earlier than six weeks and not later than four weeks before the ordinary general meeting. In the case of an extraordinary general meeting, the notice must be sent out no earlier than six weeks and no later than two weeks before the meeting. Notices of general meetings must be in writing and sent to the members' stated home address. Other notices to members shall be sent by post, by e-mail and posted on the Association's premises.
At each ordinary general meeting, the following matters shall be dealt with: - opening of the meeting - drawing up and approval of the voting list - election of the meeting's chairman, secretary and adjuster - question of whether the meeting has been duly convened - presentation of the annual report and auditors' report - question of the allocation of profit or loss according to the adopted balance sheet - question of discharge from liability for board members - question of determining the fees of board members and auditors - election of the board - election of auditor - information on the business plan - members' motions - other matters.
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held when requested for a specific purpose by the Association's auditor or by at least 1/5 of the Association's members.
§ 7 The Association's Board of Directors and Auditor
The board is elected at the association's annual meeting. The board shall then elect a chairman and a secretary from among its members. The association allows co-option at board meetings by employees of Intercult Productions ekonomisk förening. The board consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of 12 board members and with a minimum of one and a maximum of 6 deputy board members. The deputies take office in the order decided by the general meeting.
The Chairman is responsible for ensuring that meetings are held when necessary, but at least three times a year. Minutes of the meetings of the Management Board shall be drawn up and signed by the Secretary. The minutes shall be approved and signed by the member appointed by the Administrative Board to verify them. Members of the Board shall have the right to have dissenting opinions recorded in the minutes.
The quorum of the Governing Board shall be constituted by the presence of more than half of all members and alternates in office. The Association aims to ensure that decisions of the Board are taken by consensus.
The Ordinary General Meeting also appoints an auditor who, on behalf of the General Meeting, examines the accounts and management of the Board. Both the Board of Directors and the auditor are elected for a period of two years, their term of office expiring by rotation at the end of the Ordinary General Meeting.
§ 8 Election of a member to the association
A natural person who has worked permanently in the association's activities as an employee for 12 months or has had at least one assignment and/or project through the association at an equivalent level may be admitted as a member of the association. Persons who have collaborated with or are otherwise close to the association may also be elected as members of the association. Applications for membership must be made in writing and submitted to the Board. In order to be elected, 2/3 of the members present must approve the election at a general meeting. Membership is only granted to applicants who can be expected to support the objectives of the Association and contribute to its development
§ 9 Intervention
Members must pay a membership fee of SEK 200 to the association's bank (postal) giro account no later than one month after joining. Members only participate with one contribution and have one vote at the general meeting. Membership fees are not refunded in the event of resignation or expulsion or in the event of the closure of the association.
§ Section 10 Exclusion of a member
Members who do not comply with their obligations to the Association or who work against its purpose may be expelled from the Association by a decision of a General Assembly with a 2/3 majority.
§ 11 Amendment of the Statutes
Amendments to the statutes can be decided at a general meeting by a 2/3 majority of those voting, except in the special cases where a ¾ majority is required under the Economic Association Act.
§ 12 Dissolution of the association
The dissolution of the Association may be decided at a General Assembly by a 2/3 majority of those voting. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, after all debts have been paid, any assets remaining shall be handed over to cultural purposes which, according to the proposal of the Board of Directors decided by the General Assembly, are, in the opinion of the Association, of a similar nature to that of the Association. The members thereby voluntarily waive their right to claim shares in the estate.