
Case study video – Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 1697

Bridging Digital was between the 17th century and the 21st century through new media arts. The second case study, Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 1697  tells the story of the falsely accused Renfrewshire witches, through the use of interactive app technology. On June 10th 2022, Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 1697, working with StudioFV and UWS Creative hosted their Memorial Anniversary Event and showcased this next generation of their educational storytelling. You can see more in the featured video. Disclaimer  "The European Commission's support [...]

October 19th, 2022|

HAEA Webinar : “Adapting the theatrical act to the digital medium: creative tools and educational applications”

Hellenic Adult Education Association  held an online workshop with subject: "Adapting the theatrical act to the digital medium: creative tools and educational applications". Workshop content The visualization of the theatrical act (comparative study of theatrical and cinematographic writing, ways of audio-visual recording of the theatrical act, inclusion of cinematic elements in the theatrical text). Educational applications (creation of an original audio-visual work based on a theatrical action, utilization of the completed work in the educational process). Description of a good [...]

October 19th, 2022|

Creative Waves toolkit

After one year of creative workshops, webinars and a fantastic closing event in Gdansk, our international project Creative Waves - Baltic Sisterhood for Change came to an end. Now it is time to present you the toolkit that includes all our findings and experience of this exciting project. Creative Waves was about building a female community, a safe place that fosters bonds and joint work. Created by women and inspired by social and artistic activity of women, the project combined [...]

October 10th, 2022|

2023: The European Year of Skills!

Picture: Claudio Centonze 2023 is the European Year of Skills! When Sweden initiates its presidency in the European Council a new European Year also starts. For some years the EU decides on a theme that, among other things, is supposed to stimulate debates about and make the public as well as governments pay attention to a certain issue. The theme for next year is the education and upskilling of youths and adults to decrease unemployment and increase levels of competence [...]

October 6th, 2022|

Creative Waves closing event – Talk to empower – Presentations

The project “Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood for Change”, a cooperation between Intercult from Sweden, Euroregion Baltic and Baltic Sea Cultural Centre from Poland, Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Centre (ENUT), and activists from Kaliningrad Oblast, has come to an end. With this project, we empowered women in the Baltic Sea Region by meeting traditional crafts, local traditions and customs etc. with the digital modern world and its demands for change.   The project final powerful event was in Gdansk, [...]

October 3rd, 2022|

Youth Hub: New webpage for youths and educators

Picture: Dati Bendo The new webpage of the European Parliament has opened!  With the focus on youths and their ambitions and possibilities you can now find information about events, how you can participate in the political debate and where you can make new connections on the Youth Hub. Here are also times and locations for meetings and similar, how you can apply for funding for your projects and guidance to job opportunity and internships.  For educators that work with youths [...]

September 27th, 2022|


Date: 25-27 September 2022 Place: Online and physical at The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdańsk, Poland   The final part of our international project "Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood for Change" will gather international experts that will discuss about female entrepreneurship and the importance of building supportive environments. The focus will be on practical aspects of turning passion into profession and consider how to use sisterhood, empathy and solidarity to strengthen society. Traditionally female activities (e.g. embroidery, jewellery making, [...]

September 15th, 2022|

Film4Energy – see the winning short film!

The European Union's Film4Energy competition, which started last autumn, received contributions from as many as 90 schools in 16 EU countries! The entries submitted, by students between the ages of 12 and 15, are short films that demonstrate the benefits of saving energy and using energy-efficient options for heating, cooling, transportation and other everyday activities. The films show that young students know a lot about energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. They have the power to inspire [...]

August 29th, 2022|
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