EU in Schools – spring activities
The election to the European Parliament is approaching rapidly! In light of the upcoming election, we at [...]
Focus on Cultural Issues Ahead of the EU Elections
The upcoming EU election on June 9, 2024, is rapidly approaching. Building on the #CulturalDealEU initiative, Europe [...]
Celebrate Europe Day with Europe Direct Stockholm and Intercult!
Join us at Kulturhuset and Upplev Europa on May 7th! Europe Direct Stockholm will participate in the [...]
Discover the Ankoku Performance Language with Tana Maneva!
We are thrilled to invite you to an engaging Digital Coffee Talk hosted by Intercult, within the [...]
Theatre Movement – Nattiné with Daisies Varieté at Konträr
As a part of the project Theatre In Palm and in collaboration with Konträr, Intercult presents the third [...]
The upcoming EU Elections 2024: Your Essential Guide!
What do we know about the upcoming elections to the European Parliament? We from Europe Direct Stockholm [...]
Intercult is an independent resource and production centre for culture with a focus on European and transnational collaborations. We are a hub for international expertise for Swedish cultural actors. The vision is to make culture’s role as a transformative act visible in human and societal development. To highlight international and intercultural competence. Linking cultural institutions and organisations to projects in cooperation with European organisations. To create Access to Europe, for us and for you!