Nordic Talks – Session 1 on May 27th
Photo: Unsplash Act to inspire - Inspire to act We are very excited to host [...]
Bridging Digital Workshop – Create Performing Arts with Digital Tools
In April 2022 the team at Intercult held the workshop "Create Performing Arts with Digital Tools". The [...]
Bridging Digital Workshop in Greece
Two years of distance and experimentation. We learned to train, to be educated, to have fun, to [...]
Europe Direct Stockholm and Intercult LIVE on #AmplifyinAction
On Europe Day, 9 May 2022, the "Amplify Swedish Hub" coordinated by Trans Europe Halles, of which [...]
SOS Climate Waterfronts – Site visits
On the 23rd May, researchers, climate change experts, architects and urban planners from 7 cities will meet in [...]
Bridging Digital in Dunure!
StudioFV's video is a case study for our Erasmus+ project Bridging Digital , with Intercult as project [...]
Intercult is an independent resource and production centre for culture with a focus on European and transnational collaborations. We are a hub for international expertise for Swedish cultural actors. The vision is to make culture’s role as a transformative act visible in human and societal development. To highlight international and intercultural competence. Linking cultural institutions and organisations to projects in cooperation with European organisations. To create Access to Europe, for us and for you!