Creative Waves Workshop – digital tools and the creative sector May 21th 2022


As a part of the international project Creative Waves - Baltic Sisterhood of Change Intercult, representing Sweden and is lead partner in the project, hosted a workshop on May 21 2022 led by Josefin Holmström and Pixie Hård av Segerstad. The participants gathered at Intercults office in Södermalm in Stockholm to learn more about how [...]

Creative Waves Workshop – digital tools and the creative sector May 21th 20222022-06-28T08:29:24+00:00

Last week with final presentations of SOS Climate Waterfront in Stockholm


During the last week of SOS Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm the international participants were working intensively for the final presentations that took place at KTH facilities on Friday.   Intercult welcomed the participants to a farewell gathering at Intercult’s offices in Södermalm on Thursday. Iwona Preis presented the ongoing and upcoming projects and discussed [...]

Last week with final presentations of SOS Climate Waterfront in Stockholm2022-06-20T21:54:40+00:00

”Art and Digital Technologies in Adult Education, a creative dialogue” in Athens


”Art and Digital Technologies in Adult Education, a creative dialogue” in Athens On Wednesday, May 11, 2022, our partners Hellenic Association of Adult Education organized an event with the title ”Art and Digital Technologies in Adult Education, a creative dialogue” in Athens, within the framework of our Erasmus + “Bridging Digital” project. It is a [...]

”Art and Digital Technologies in Adult Education, a creative dialogue” in Athens2023-10-02T11:07:46+00:00

Third week of S.O.S Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm


Third week of our S.O.S. Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm and our participants have now started to work intensively on their proposals of masterplans. All these weeks the participants are hosted at the facilities of KTH Royal Institute of Technology to work full time in groups.   On Tuesday June 7th, Intercult organised a visit [...]

Third week of S.O.S Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm2022-06-12T08:51:23+00:00

Second week of S.O.S Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm


The second week of S.O.S. Climate Waterfront workshop and the participants started working intensively on their concepts.   On Monday 30th May, the group was guided to KTH campus where they explored the art, architecture and history of the university.               The following days the groups studied individually. They [...]

Second week of S.O.S Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm2022-06-30T20:15:28+00:00

nordic talks session 2 – 9 june 2022


Photo: Pixabay We are pleased to invite you to a conversation about climate, cities and culture! On the occasion of the visit of many international researchers and experts in Stockholm for the workshop of our project “SOS Climate Waterfronts”, Intercult is organising three “Nordic Talk” events with title “The future of our cities – Challenges [...]

nordic talks session 2 – 9 june 20222022-08-19T12:55:15+00:00

Bridging digital workshop in Athens – video


In the beginning of May 2022, in Athens, our partner Hellenic Adult Education Association organised a workshop where the participants discussed the creative dialogue between Art and Digital technology in Adult Education. The main subject of the workshop was the transformation of theatrical praxis into a digital output and how it could be used in [...]

Bridging digital workshop in Athens – video2023-10-02T11:10:24+00:00

First week of S.O.S Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm


We are at the end of the first week of S.O.S. Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm. A week full of site visits, guided tours and inspiring lectures. Our invited guests had the chance to experience the city and its waterfront, learn more about the future plans of the city planners and enjoy relaxing times while [...]

First week of S.O.S Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm2022-05-28T23:51:51+00:00

Agenda of the SOS Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm 2022


On Monday 23rd May 2022, researchers and experts from Portugal, The Netherlands, Italy, Greece and Poland are arriving in Sweden for the second workshop of SOS Climate Waterfront in Stockholm. The participants will stay for a 4-week intensive workshop.   The aim of the workshop is to exchange transnational examples of best practices and benefit from [...]

Agenda of the SOS Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm 20222022-05-21T23:02:14+00:00

Creative Waves Slavic webinar – May 7th 2022


Creative Waves Slavic webinar – May 7th 2022  On May 7th 2022 the project partners within the project Creative Waves: Baltic Sisterhood for Change invited artists and experts involved in the project to the first joint meeting at Zoom. Until now, creative women, during the workshops, have met with a local partner. In May, we [...]

Creative Waves Slavic webinar – May 7th 20222022-05-18T12:15:47+00:00
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