Virtuellt vernissage – Möt Konsten live!


Ni är inbjudna till ett virtuellt vernissage av Intercult i Arena STOFF:s digitala kulturhus! Upplev våra projekt Eyelander, Skapa scenkonst med VR och Woven Network på ett unikt digitalt sätt! Fjorton konstnärer kommer att ställa ut sina verk i två virtuella rum. Detta är en unik upplevelse som ni inte vill missa! .  Datum: Tisdagen [...]

Virtuellt vernissage – Möt Konsten live!2023-06-22T08:57:42+00:00

IO3 Bridging Digital Ingredients Book


We're excited to announce the release of "The Ingredients Book," a publication that brings together all the findings of the Bridging Digital Erasmus+ project! A big thank you to our partners from Scotland, Greece and Poland for their incredible contributions. Together, we tackled the digital world, exploring innovative methodologies and empowering artists and educators in [...]

IO3 Bridging Digital Ingredients Book2023-10-02T10:47:02+00:00

Opportunity to join the Board of River//Cities


River//Cities Platform Foundation is looking to expand our devoted Board, which consists of voluntary Council members, to take on from AGM June 26th the work of developing our mission with culture on waterfronts of the cities for the best of their citizens and contribute with new energy to strategic development of the organization. We're an international [...]

Opportunity to join the Board of River//Cities2023-06-10T21:12:50+00:00

Exploring Sustainable Solutions: The SOS Climate Waterfront Workshop in Lisbon


For 30 days, between the enchanting River Tagus and the vast Atlantic Ocean, Lisbon played host to the "SOS Climate Waterfront" workshop. Organized by Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário Lisboa, this international gathering brought together over 30 participants from various countries. The workshop aimed to address the pressing issue of climate change on waterfront areas [...]

Exploring Sustainable Solutions: The SOS Climate Waterfront Workshop in Lisbon2023-06-10T22:59:32+00:00

Klimat och Kultur – hur arbetar kulturen i Sverige och Europa för en grönare och mer hållbar framtid


Välkommen till vårt seminarium om Kultur och Klimat!  Evenemangets panelister kommer presentera och diskutera frågor om vår framtid - hur kulturella och kreativa näringar kan spela en avgörande roll för hållbarhet och klimatfrågor, både lokalt, nationellt och i Europa.  Under evenemanget kommer vi även att undersöka vilka perspektiv dessa talare som är verksamma inom kulturpolitiken [...]

Klimat och Kultur – hur arbetar kulturen i Sverige och Europa för en grönare och mer hållbar framtid2023-04-19T21:03:07+00:00

First Digital Residency of Theatre in Palm: A Celebration of Emerging Artists in Performing Art


Last week, 60 newly established artists from across Europe came together with their 12 mentors to kickstart Thetre in Palm First Digital Residency Week online. The energy, excitement, and expectation were palpable as emerging artists in performing arts connected locally and digitally in Europe. Participants from all forms of performing arts, including actors, musicians, scenographers, [...]

First Digital Residency of Theatre in Palm: A Celebration of Emerging Artists in Performing Art2023-02-14T12:35:41+00:00

Tre nya kunskapsrika workshops från SmartSE och Intercult!


  Smart SE och Intercult kommer under februari och mars månad djupdyka i den digitala dimensionen och den virtuella världen!  Är ni redo att nå nya nivåer med ert konstnärsskap och samtidigt möjliggöra att nå ut till fler? Vi är så glada att kunna erbjuda er tre kostnadsfria och kunskapsrika workshops. Under dom kommer vi få [...]

Tre nya kunskapsrika workshops från SmartSE och Intercult!2023-01-27T15:24:16+00:00

Two-days workshop with Jonas Myrstrand


Last Thursday, our new course "Create Stage Art with VR" started with a two-day workshop at SITE - Production Centre for Performing Arts. Here, the participants, together with Jonas Myrstrand , immersive filmmaker and producer, get to try how and whether VR technology can fill a need in the performing arts. During this course, we [...]

Two-days workshop with Jonas Myrstrand2023-10-02T10:56:30+00:00



It's hard to imagine, but it was April once ... sun, green leaves and flowers ... and then there was also 𝗔𝗡𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗡, which was organized by the City Culture Institute as part of the Bridging Digital project and the concept for the music video illustrating the song by Klawo was created on it. You can [...]


Hackaton MusicJam 2022


Bridging Digital is the transfer of the potential that lies in the combination of culture and technology. MusicJam, which took place in Gdańsk a month ago, showed how much it could be a win-win situation. This is an event for people creating electronic music. The organizer was Instytut Kultury Miejskiej - one of the partners [...]

Hackaton MusicJam 20222023-10-02T10:58:15+00:00
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