Intercult digital


In spring 2020, Intercult arranges a number of webinars with different themes live streamed on our Facebook page. The seminars focus on current themes such as the cultural sector's contribution to climate challenges, cultural heritage, European cultural policy in the Covid-19 pandemic. Themes are introduced and discussed by the invited lecturers and the hope is [...]

Intercult digital2020-04-23T15:22:01+00:00

Apply for Culture of Solidarity Fund


European cultural foundation launches a solidarity fund! The Fund – setup in partnership with other foundations – is looking to support imaginative cultural initiatives – big or small – that reinforce solidarity and the notion of Europe as a shared public space in response to the current crisis and its aftershocks. It is open to [...]

Apply for Culture of Solidarity Fund2020-04-06T08:42:08+00:00

Read the report – In search for True Inclusion and Practice


Intercult is a part of Nordic Forum for Intercultural (NFI), that this December organizes a conference  in Oslo about tools and strategies that can be used for a more inclusive cultural sector. The conference marks the end of the project An Inclusive cultural life in the Nordics. As a result of the project, the report [...]

Read the report – In search for True Inclusion and Practice2020-03-06T14:15:58+00:00

1,000 days of culture: cultural organisations call for government inquiry


"Stronger legal protection is needed to ensure that the publicly funded culture is free from direct political influence and does not become an ideological tool for current power. In the past, we have not seen the need for a cultural law to establish the public's responsibility for the whole of culture to exist throughout the [...]

1,000 days of culture: cultural organisations call for government inquiry2021-10-18T14:14:06+00:00

Preserving the cultural heritage of the old city and seaside in Batumi


Connecting Georgia (2019-2020) is an artistic project that aims at developing and discussing tools that can be helpful to tackle the challenges for sites with post-industrial cultural heritage. The project connects the city of Batumi with other european cities engaged in the Memory of Water Creative Europe EU project. From the last decade some [...]

Preserving the cultural heritage of the old city and seaside in Batumi2019-12-19T08:40:23+00:00



23 - 29 March 2020 Batumi, Georgia Connecting Georgia is an artist-led project exploring post-industrial waterfront heritage in the context of urban planning and community development. The project is connected to the Creative Europe funded project Memory of Water that gathers six partners in Europe and funded by the Swedish Institute, Third Country Participation in the Baltic Sea region. [...]

OPEN CALL: CONNECTING GEORIGA2020-01-14T09:32:41+00:00

See the film from Nordic Dialogues!


See the film to the right from the conference Nordic Dialogues, that was held in Oslo between 2-3 December! Nordic Forum for Interculture (NFI) is a cross boarder network of nordic resource centers that work to promote cultural diversity. Intercult is a part of NFI, that organized the conference in Oslo about tools and [...]

See the film from Nordic Dialogues!2020-03-06T14:28:08+00:00

Vienna – third partner meeting within I_Improve


I_Improve (2018-2021) is a cooperative European project. The partnership consists of 6 members from the River//Cities platform: Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Poland and Lithuania. The common framework is promoting audience engagement through culture, especially in waterfront areas. Its priorities are social inclusion, open and innovative practices in the digital area, and adult education. During 20-22 [...]

Vienna – third partner meeting within I_Improve2020-10-02T10:03:36+00:00

Summarising experiences and learning processes in Stockholm


We organised a meeting in Stockholm to summarise our learning, teaching and training activities within the framework of I_Improve. The meeting took place at our host Intercult's offices in Stockholm on August 18th to August August 22nd. The aim with our meeting was to gather input from each other, discuss our learning activities and plan [...]

Summarising experiences and learning processes in Stockholm2020-10-02T10:06:14+00:00

Artistic residency in Gdansk – what happened?


During 14-19 October the artistic residency in Gdansk took place - a part of the project Memory of Water, which is developed by members of the River Cities Network. The residency was hosted by the Baltic Sea Cultural Centre, and at Intercult we are happy to be the lead partner of the Memory of Water-project. [...]

Artistic residency in Gdansk – what happened?2019-11-08T10:05:46+00:00
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