
LET’S BE UPFRONT! ABOUT YOUR EUROPE. Upfront! Is a platform for political, artistic and social expression. Here you can take a stand on European issues that engage you, and start and artistic debate. Illustrate your perspective on Europe by submitting a short film of a maximum of 15 minutes to the competition. Create a video [...]

UPFRONT! VIDEO AWARD 20202020-10-16T09:04:10+00:00

COVID-19 & BEYOND- Challenges and Opportunities for Cultural Heritage


The European Cultural Heritage Organization Europa Nostra has produced a comprehensive study on the challenges and opportunities of the pandemic for the cultural heritage sector. Europa Nostra is Europe's largest member organization for the work of drawing attention to Europe's cultural and natural heritage. The far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken [...]

COVID-19 & BEYOND- Challenges and Opportunities for Cultural Heritage2020-11-19T11:01:48+00:00

EU:s cultural recovery plan


The European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) organized a video conference on the first of September  where the financial recovery of the cultural and creative Europe was discussed. Last week, the organization Culture Action Europe published an article about the conference and the importance of Creative Europe as part of the cultural sector's [...]

EU:s cultural recovery plan2020-09-08T16:48:48+00:00

Webinar: Participation, collaboration and co-creation in art and urban planning


Date: Wednesday June 3 2020 Time: 12.30-13.30 Place: Intercult Facebook Page There are probably very few people working in culture, design and urban planning that have not heard the word participation over the past ten years. Maybe even a few times too often, even if it is now being exchanged with the words collaboration and [...]

Webinar: Participation, collaboration and co-creation in art and urban planning2020-05-30T12:50:59+00:00

Webinar: State of Culture in Europe in the times of COVID 


Webinar: State of Culture in Europe in the times of COVID  Friday 15 May 2020 From 12.30-13.30 Organizer: Intercult / Europe Direct Intercult/ Culture Action Europe  The Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) all over Europe are hit severly by the COVID-19 pandemic. Live events and performances had to be cancelled, while most cultural venues were forced [...]

Webinar: State of Culture in Europe in the times of COVID 2020-05-29T16:26:09+00:00

EU: An overview of measures taken to support the cultural sector during the pandemic


As a result of the covid-19 pandemic, the European cultural & creative sectors are suffering great economic consequences. The enormous loss of revenue and the restrictions on public gatherings threaten the survival of many cultural organisations worldwide. In order to mitigate these losses and support the cultural & creative sectors in this time of crisis, [...]

EU: An overview of measures taken to support the cultural sector during the pandemic2020-05-14T11:40:00+00:00

Sweden: An overview of measures taken to support the cultural sector during the pandemic


As a result of the covid-19 pandemic, the European cultural & creative sectors are suffering great economic consequences. The enormous loss of revenue and the restrictions on public gatherings threaten the survival of many cultural organisations worldwide. In order to mitigate these losses and support the cultural & creative sectors in this time of crisis, [...]

Sweden: An overview of measures taken to support the cultural sector during the pandemic2020-05-14T11:32:43+00:00

Webinar: State of Culture in Europe in the times of COVID


Date: Friday May 15th 2020, 12.30-13.30 Organizers: Intercult / Europe Direct Intercult / Culture Action Europe  The Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) all over Europe are hit severely by the COVID-19 pandemic. Live events and performances had to be cancelled, while most cultural venues were forced to close their doors. Cultural creators are severely affected by [...]

Webinar: State of Culture in Europe in the times of COVID2020-05-11T14:25:41+00:00

Juvenes Translatores 2019


Now it is time to register your school to the Juventus Translatores (young translators) 2019! Juvenes Translatores is a translation contest being held for high school students born in 2002 to designate the best young translators in the European Union. The aim of the contest is to promote language skills, and the profession of translation. [...]

Juvenes Translatores 20192019-10-01T12:43:19+00:00
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