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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eu fringilla justo. Etiam vel ultricies dolor. Maecenas augue quam, pharetra quis mauris ut, blandit aliquet sem. Aliquam accumsan placerat urna, ut lacinia mi. Nulla justo purus, dignissim in semper ac, vulputate vel sapien. Quisque consectetur dolor nec hendrerit lobortis. Cras dictum a risus a laoreet. Maecenas id facilisis erat. Nam at eros ultrices, hendrerit urna quis, rutrum purus.
Integer ultricies, magna sed eleifend iaculis, nibh odio tincidunt dolor, quis mattis quam libero eu quam. Praesent ac orci tincidunt, blandit metus congue, commodo odio. Donec et elementum arcu. Aenean euismod sed ex sed pulvinar. Donec magna mauris, auctor in varius id, hendrerit ac neque. Aenean sagittis finibus ullamcorper. Maecenas id ex suscipit risus interdum vulputate et in ipsum. Nulla vestibulum purus eu metus tempor lobortis. Maecenas sagittis, ex a semper ornare, ipsum sem eleifend ex, vel volutpat tortor nulla ac massa. Praesent vel magna elit. Nulla eu neque pretium, porttitor neque porttitor, tincidunt ex.
Senaste Nyheter
“SUSTAINABILITY IN ART” Roundtable discussions
Intercult is inviting you to two exciting, free roundtable discussions on the theme “SUSTAINABILITY IN ART” led by set designer and European Climate Pact Ambassador Annika Bromberg. Come and speak with others [...]
Theatre in Palm Hybrid Residency: A Collaborative Journey Across Europe
During November 2023, the Hybrid Residency of the project Theatre in Palm brought together 120 artists and their mentors to work and co-create 4 new performances around Europe. The first day of [...]
Bridging Digital project as “Good Practice” example!
The Bridging Digital project, funded by Erasmus+, has received recognition for its “Good Practice”! Led by Intercult in Sweden, with collaborative contributions from the Hellenic Adult Education Association in Greece, Instytut Kultury [...]
AI & PERFORMING ARTS – European Theatre Lab
Intercult invites you to two workshops on the theme "AI & PERFORMING ARTS" led by Agnes Török and Charlie Prag. The courses are organized within the framework of the European Theatre Lab [...]
Results of our programme
Τen days of educational workshops between the fall of 2022 and the spring of 2023 in Stockholm, divided into five classes in total (2 days each). Watch our results here! Disclaimer [...]
Digital Coffee Talk – “To implement a digital sphere on Stage”
We are thrilled to invite you to an engaging Digital Coffee Talk hosted by Intercult, within the Theatre in Palm project, where we will explore the exciting intersection of technology and the performing arts. [...]