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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eu fringilla justo. Etiam vel ultricies dolor. Maecenas augue quam, pharetra quis mauris ut, blandit aliquet sem. Aliquam accumsan placerat urna, ut lacinia mi. Nulla justo purus, dignissim in semper ac, vulputate vel sapien. Quisque consectetur dolor nec hendrerit lobortis. Cras dictum a risus a laoreet. Maecenas id facilisis erat. Nam at eros ultrices, hendrerit urna quis, rutrum purus.
Integer ultricies, magna sed eleifend iaculis, nibh odio tincidunt dolor, quis mattis quam libero eu quam. Praesent ac orci tincidunt, blandit metus congue, commodo odio. Donec et elementum arcu. Aenean euismod sed ex sed pulvinar. Donec magna mauris, auctor in varius id, hendrerit ac neque. Aenean sagittis finibus ullamcorper. Maecenas id ex suscipit risus interdum vulputate et in ipsum. Nulla vestibulum purus eu metus tempor lobortis. Maecenas sagittis, ex a semper ornare, ipsum sem eleifend ex, vel volutpat tortor nulla ac massa. Praesent vel magna elit. Nulla eu neque pretium, porttitor neque porttitor, tincidunt ex.
Senaste Nyheter
Second week of S.O.S Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm
The second week of S.O.S. Climate Waterfront workshop and the participants started working intensively on their concepts. On Monday 30th May, the group was guided to KTH campus where they explored [...]
nordic talks session 2 – 9 june 2022
Photo: Pixabay We are pleased to invite you to a conversation about climate, cities and culture! On the occasion of the visit of many international researchers and experts in Stockholm for the [...]
Bridging digital workshop in Athens – video
In the beginning of May 2022, in Athens, our partner Hellenic Adult Education Association organised a workshop where the participants discussed the creative dialogue between Art and Digital technology in Adult Education. [...]
First week of S.O.S Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm
We are at the end of the first week of S.O.S. Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm. A week full of site visits, guided tours and inspiring lectures. Our invited guests had the [...]
Meet the Swedish artists – Bridging Digital
Jonas Myrstrand has worked since 1990 as a film director and Managing Director at Studio Jox in Gothenburg. Master in film, Filmcurator. He been a guest teacher at the University of Halmstad, University of Skövde, and [...]
Agenda of the SOS Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm 2022
On Monday 23rd May 2022, researchers and experts from Portugal, The Netherlands, Italy, Greece and Poland are arriving in Sweden for the second workshop of SOS Climate Waterfront in Stockholm. The participants will [...]