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So far ic-proass-admin has created 388 blog entries.

First week of S.O.S Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm


We are at the end of the first week of S.O.S. Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm. A week full of site visits, guided tours and inspiring lectures. Our invited guests had the chance to experience the city and its waterfront, learn more about the future plans of the city planners and enjoy relaxing times while [...]

First week of S.O.S Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm2022-05-28T23:51:51+00:00

Meet the Swedish artists – Bridging Digital


Jonas Myrstrand has worked since 1990 as a film director and Managing Director at Studio Jox in Gothenburg. Master in film, Filmcurator. He been a guest teacher at the University of Halmstad, University of Skövde, and JMG (Journalist Highshool) and is Artistic Leader of Gothenburg Folkhighshool on Film Production Education. Jonas is also chairman of Film Epidemin – a cluster with [...]

Meet the Swedish artists – Bridging Digital2023-03-28T21:41:18+00:00

Agenda of the SOS Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm 2022


On Monday 23rd May 2022, researchers and experts from Portugal, The Netherlands, Italy, Greece and Poland are arriving in Sweden for the second workshop of SOS Climate Waterfront in Stockholm. The participants will stay for a 4-week intensive workshop.   The aim of the workshop is to exchange transnational examples of best practices and benefit from [...]

Agenda of the SOS Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm 20222022-05-21T23:02:14+00:00

Creative Waves Slavic webinar – May 7th 2022


Creative Waves Slavic webinar – May 7th 2022  On May 7th 2022 the project partners within the project Creative Waves: Baltic Sisterhood for Change invited artists and experts involved in the project to the first joint meeting at Zoom. Until now, creative women, during the workshops, have met with a local partner. In May, we [...]

Creative Waves Slavic webinar – May 7th 20222022-05-18T12:15:47+00:00

Nordic Talks – Session 1 on May 27th


Photo: Unsplash   Act to inspire - Inspire to act   We are very excited to host three Nordic Talks events the following months! On the occasion of the visit of many international researchers and experts in Stockholm for the workshop of our project “SOS Climate Waterfronts”, Intercult is organising three “Nordic Talk” events with [...]

Nordic Talks – Session 1 on May 27th2022-08-19T12:27:16+00:00

Bridging Digital Workshop – Create Performing Arts with Digital Tools


In April 2022  the team at Intercult held the workshop "Create Performing Arts with Digital Tools". The purpose of the workshop was to inspire the creation of productions with elements of digital tools, both in terms of the artistic and for broadcast and marketing. Being able to create an atmosphere and interaction from a traditional [...]

Bridging Digital Workshop – Create Performing Arts with Digital Tools2023-10-02T11:12:14+00:00

Bridging Digital Workshop in Greece


Two years of distance and experimentation. We learned to train, to be educated, to have fun, to go to the cinema, theatre, travel, to hang out and to live with the help of technology. We discovered that many of the things we thought were not happening are finally happening! Now is the time, not just [...]

Bridging Digital Workshop in Greece2023-10-02T11:11:20+00:00

Europe Direct Stockholm and Intercult LIVE on #AmplifyinAction


On Europe Day, 9 May 2022, the "Amplify Swedish Hub" coordinated by Trans Europe Halles, of which Europa Direkt Stockholm and Intercult are a part of, we presented our key messages for the #AmplifyinAction event: Lower the thresholds for participation More transparency and openness to new cultural actors to avoid monopoly More competence on all [...]

Europe Direct Stockholm and Intercult LIVE on #AmplifyinAction2022-05-10T09:14:47+00:00

SOS Climate Waterfronts – Site visits


On the 23rd May, researchers, climate change experts, architects and urban planners from 7 cities will meet in Stockholm for a 4-week workshop on the Marie Curie Horizon 2020 exchange “SOS Climate Waterfront” project.   SOS Climate Waterfront is an interdisciplinary project that aims to explore waterfronts in Europe that are facing climate change. The project [...]

SOS Climate Waterfronts – Site visits2022-06-30T22:23:52+00:00

Bridging Digital in Dunure!


StudioFV's video is a case study for our Erasmus+ project Bridging Digital , with Intercult as project leader, which explores how artists and communities can use digital technology. The video in question features University of the West of Scotland (UWS) Trent Kim and the work of his students on the New Media Art course with [...]

Bridging Digital in Dunure!2023-10-02T11:12:54+00:00
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