Access Europe

There is always a demand from the cultural sector for EU expertise, access to international networks and contacts, and practical hands-on knowledge of European projects. Increasing skills through the exchange of experiences between cultural operators is one of the pillars of success on the European stage. To meet this need, since 2012 Intercult offers a meeting place for the internationalization of cultural activities: a platform for networking and exchanging experiences with access to international expertise and business intelligence. In other words: Access to Europe.

Intercult runs the Access Europe network, a meeting place for the cultural sector to exchange and gather knowledge on international projects. Access Europa is a platform for international business intelligence and networking, with expertise in running international collaborations, where organizations and freelancers can learn from each other on how to develop or apply for international funding. Access Europa is for all types of cultural operators who are interested in developing their skills at home and taking them out into Europe and the world.

Since 2020, Access Europe has moved into the digital world with a Facebook group that is a general public group, visible to all, everyone is welcome to join. Today, the group has over 350 members who contribute with networking and experience sharing in the creation of international projects. All members are welcome to post news about international projects, activities, funding - leading to joint skills building on opportunities to operate in other countries.

Here is a link directly to the Facebook group:

For whom?

Access Europe is for the wide range of cultural operators interested in skills development at home that leads on to Europe and the world. The platform will also link actors who can complement and create value for each other.

Access Europe offers a platform for all types of activities. Associations, institutions, public authorities, companies and freelancers are welcome as members and participants in the platform's activities. For individual members, the platform can also offer a strong national network for networking.

Members of Access Europe



Access Europa was launched as part of Intercult's activities in 2012 to raise awareness of international cooperation for the cultural sector and put international cultural policy on the agenda. It is a platform that offers business intelligence, networking, skills development and exchange of experience for international projects. Our ambition is to be a hub for cultural workers with an interest in international issues and cooperation. The platform's approximately 50 supporting members come from the region, municipalities, cultural organizations and about half are cultural entrepreneurs. The audience for the platform's activities reaches at least 3,000 recipients with Stockholm as the local area and fixed base for the outreach activities.

Culture as a leader in societal development

At Intercult, we believe that culture is a catalyst for creativity and growth and we are convinced that AE's activities can inspire people to come together. Conversations about politics, culture and art can serve as a tool to stimulate reflection, debate and discussion on complex or abstract concepts. Our projects aim to demonstrate the importance of international awareness in the cultural sector. We believe that the cultural and creative sector can play a leading role in creating social cohesion and sustainability. Therefore, in order to reach a wide audience, it is of utmost importance for us to have long-term partnerships with regional and local organizations and actors and not only focus on big cities.


We produce knowledge and content that can be used at local, national and European level. This includes panel discussions, lectures and practical workshops on topics relevant to our members. We also continuously update our Facebook group with analysis of what is happening globally in the cultural policy arena. In this way, we offer the opportunity to be informed and engaged in activities related to the cultural sector and international issues. The platform also gives its supporting members the opportunity to be more active in European contexts and to create more successful projects through applications to the EU's cultural programmes and other European and international forms of support. On the issue of international cultural initiatives, what is happening at a European level is of the greatest interest to Swedish actors. It is not possible to separate national cultural policy from the international arena and Swedish cultural policy initiatives need to be understood from a global perspective. We also have a reference group consisting of experienced cultural workers where we continuously discuss how AE can be updated to be relevant to its target audience.

Culture 3.0

In his book Art, Participation, Development (2013), Pier Luigi Sacco describes how we now live in culture 3.0, which is characterized by the dissolution of the relationship between consumer and producer. The audience has become the practitioner and culture has come to permeate all possible areas of society. The categories that previously characterized the cultural world and our understanding of culture have loosened, and this affects public spaces. If culture 2.0 was characterized primarily by mass culture, 3.0 is a reaction to the emergence of new subcultures interested in individual expression, thus changing the traditional division between visitor and actor. AE's activities are inspired by these ideas by encouraging members to co-create content, for example by participating in panel discussions or suggesting themes.

Audience development

Gender equality, diversity, democracy and intercultural perspectives have been a fundamental driving force since the start of our activities. It is important for us to ensure a geographical spread of our programs to make the content relevant to a wide audience. We therefore work actively on audience development to ensure that we reach out to different groups. Audience development is based on creating a relationship between the producer and the consumer of cultural and creative activities. For us, it is about having a cross-sectoral focus within the cultural sector where, for example, artists, cultural administrators, producers, independent groups and institutions feel welcome. Another important aspect for AE is how we can experiment with the idea of what content to offer to our members so that we don't get stuck in predictable patterns.

Link to the host organization Intercult

AE's activities complement the more general EU information activities of Europe Direct Intercult. AE allows us to focus on narrower issues and invite people with expertise in the field of culture and international affairs. AE's activities relate to Swedish and European cultural policy and focus on areas such as democracy and equality. Our ambition is to work to make the cultural sector in Sweden aware of the importance of working internationally and engaging in democratic issues.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

1Why a membership-based platform?
Many Swedish cultural operators want better contacts with Europe and better access to information from Brussels, for example, but have insufficient financial resources to be able to monitor the complex European system on their own or actively maintain their own international network. There is also a need for knowledge transfer at home in order to develop new projects and become active in new contexts. Access Europe responds to these needs and can develop as a platform thanks to its members' annual subscription and input.
2Where in Sweden are the activities taking place?
Access Europa is based in Stockholm, and the majority of our meetings are organized in Stockholm. We also organize travel to conferences and meetings in Europe.
3What is Intercult's role in the platform?
Intercult is the initiator and coordinator of the platform. We run it within the framework of our activities and develop it in interaction with the platform members. Intercult is one of Sweden's most experienced and knowledgeable cultural organizations in terms of European cooperation. We are sometimes asked how we can both produce our own cooperation projects and at the same time act as a resource for Sweden's cultural life. For us, the connection is natural. It is through the combination of practice, networks and expertise that we can offer unique services that, for example, an authority that rarely has its own experience of projects and partnerships can do. The EU Culture Program has no quotas on how many applications from a particular country are granted.
4Is it a new association?
No, it is not. The Platform is Intercult's response to the cultural sector's need for internationalization. It is part of Intercult's activities.
5How is Access Europe financed?
The platform can be built up thanks to the service fee from supporting members and part of Intercult's operational support from the Swedish Arts Council, Stockholm County Council and the City of Stockholm. The more people who sign up for a supporting membership, the stronger the platform will be and can develop into a lively forum and a resource for its members.

Contact us
T: +468 644 10 23