Digital Coffee Talk – ”To implement a digital sphere on Stage”


We are thrilled to invite you to an engaging Digital Coffee Talk hosted by Intercult, within the Theatre in Palm project, where we will explore the exciting intersection of technology and the performing arts. In this webinar, we will delve into the theme of implementing digital tools in the stage sector, promising a stimulating discussion filled with [...]

Digital Coffee Talk – ”To implement a digital sphere on Stage”2023-09-18T10:44:30+00:00

Results of our programme


Τen days of educational workshops between the fall of 2022 and the spring of 2023 in Stockholm, divided into five classes in total (2 days each). Watch our results here!   Disclaimer  "The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only [...]

Results of our programme2023-10-02T10:45:23+00:00

Möt konsten live med konstnären Anna Gerge- Ny offentlig skulptur i Vaxholm!


Varmt välkommen till invigningen av Vaxholms nyaste offentliga konstverk " Fiskarflicka"! En skulptur av Anna Gerge kommer att högtidligen avtäckas: Live på Borgmästargården, Ullbergs Väg 3—7, Vaxholm Torsdag den 15:e juni 2023 Kl. 15 - 17 Fri entré, öppet för alla och fika på plats! HITTA HIT: Buss 670 till hållplats Timmermansvägen. Borgmästargården ligger ca [...]

Möt konsten live med konstnären Anna Gerge- Ny offentlig skulptur i Vaxholm!2023-06-13T12:25:49+00:00

Exploring Sustainable Solutions: The SOS Climate Waterfront Workshop in Lisbon


For 30 days, between the enchanting River Tagus and the vast Atlantic Ocean, Lisbon played host to the "SOS Climate Waterfront" workshop. Organized by Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário Lisboa, this international gathering brought together over 30 participants from various countries. The workshop aimed to address the pressing issue of climate change on waterfront areas [...]

Exploring Sustainable Solutions: The SOS Climate Waterfront Workshop in Lisbon2023-06-10T22:58:05+00:00

European Theatre Lab – Att hantera auditions i en digital värld


Intercult,  bjuder in till en workshop, inom Theatre in Palm projektet, ledd av Elin Hilläng. Workshopen "Att hantera auditions i en digital värld" kommer erbjuda deltagare att utforska hur scenkonsten kan använda film, videosamtal och "selftapes" under auditionprocessen. Att hantera auditions i en digital värld 27 mars 2023  // 10.00-16.00 Nytorgsgatan 15A, Stockholm Vi lever idag i en [...]

European Theatre Lab – Att hantera auditions i en digital värld2023-03-10T11:39:51+00:00


Refractions  av Aprill Wise Spendrup Nacka, Glasbrukssjön 2023 . Projektet Glasbrukssjön För att belysa en plats av betydelsefull kulturellt intresse och relevans till vår lokala miljö och klimatförändringar . Det glasrörliga konstverket - Refractions Det rörliga konstverket, frestande, vackra, farliga och vassa glasbitar som symboliserar vattnets och havets färger. Blått och grönt vävt [...]


Second transnational meeting in Gdansk


On 20-22 September 2022,  Bridging Digital team met at Gdansk to discuss the progress of each partner organisation and plan the future activities together. The second transnational meeting was hosted by our oartner Instytut Kultury Miejskiej. During our travel to Poland, the Bridging Digital team visited the PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, where we saw Jan Heweliusz [...]

Second transnational meeting in Gdansk2023-10-02T11:00:45+00:00

Augmented reality workshops – Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 1697


Fablevision, Trent Kim and students of University of the West of Scotland worked together on the Erasmus+ project, Bridging Digital, to produce augmented reality video content to tell the story of the Renfrewshire Witch Hunt in 1697. Here are the five steps of their work. Stop 1 Bargarran House   Stop 2 [...]

Augmented reality workshops – Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 16972023-10-02T11:03:23+00:00

Meet the Scottish team – Bridging Digital


Dr Elizabeth Gardiner (Liz Gardiner) Trading as Cultural Planning Practice, Liz Gardiner is an artist, teacher, academic and free-lance consultant specialising in cultural planning.  As a director of Fablevision, she develops and delivers case study examples of cultural planning in practice – often in partnership with other third sector organisations, community development trusts or local authorities. Liz is founder [...]

Meet the Scottish team – Bridging Digital2023-03-28T21:29:30+00:00

Last week with final presentations of SOS Climate Waterfront in Stockholm


During the last week of SOS Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm the international participants were working intensively for the final presentations that took place at KTH facilities on Friday.   Intercult welcomed the participants to a farewell gathering at Intercult’s offices in Södermalm on Thursday. Iwona Preis presented the ongoing and upcoming projects and discussed [...]

Last week with final presentations of SOS Climate Waterfront in Stockholm2022-06-20T21:59:07+00:00
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